How does the Glue work?
PLA-Y-Glue can be applied in just a few simple steps with 3D printed parts.
To bond PLA, ABS, or ASA parts together, apply the adhesive to both surfaces to be bonded.
Combine both parts as desired. Let the glue dry for 5 minutes.
After 24 hours, the PLA-Y-Glue is fully cured.
PLA-Y-Glue in Action
See for yourself and watch PLA-Y-Glue in action.
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Customer Feedback
What do our customers say about PLA-Y-Glue?

A connection for eternity. The components can no longer be separated.

Perfect. I don't take anything else and I always make sure I have a supply.
Contact us
For more information about our PLA-Y-Glue 3D printing adhesive, which cold welds PLA, ABS, and ASA, please contact us.
Frequently Asked Questions
In this section, you find efficiently answer frequently asked questions.
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No. In our tests, the glue did not have an odor.
A single bottle of PLA-Y-Glue contains 20ml of our adhesive for your 3D printed parts made of PLA, ABS, and ASA.
Yes. We offer larger containers for business customers upon request. Feel free to contact us via the Contact form .
With PLA-Y-Glue, you can cold weld components made of PLA, ABS, and ASA plastics. You can use it with one or more materials.
We recommend allowing the adhesive to cure completely for 24 hours. However, after just a few minutes, it is already quite stable.